Course Description:
This 2-day interactive experience will help negotiators elevate their game. The course examines all types of negotiation formats and methods so that today’s negotiators can play the game to win. A full spectrum of tips, tools, techniques and advantages will be provided so that negotiators can provide effective results for their client. The second day of the course focuses on real-world field scenarios to help negotiators apply the power tools, techniques and tactics learned on the first day. Understanding the tactics and techniques is one thing, but learning how to recognize them being done and using them effectively requires practice. These field scenarios provide the foundational experience and practice negotiators need to master so they can effectively advocate for their clients.
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Meeting ID: 839 0553 8594
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Topic: Tips, Tricks and Time Saving Solutions
Time: 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 890 4076 6069
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Meeting ID: 890 4076 6069
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Topic: Rules and Regs Overview
Time: 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 820 9150 8551
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Meeting ID: 820 9150 8551
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