Texas REALTORS® Course Policies. Please complete before registering for this class
- 4 Days of class - Mon 4/17 Tue 4/18, & Mon 4/24, Tue 4/25
- 8:30-5:00 daily
- 30 Hours SAE
- Cost - $225 Members & $250 Non-Members
- Course No. 779
- Provider-Texas REALTORS® #4520
- Instructor- Candy Cooke
- Virtual class (off site instructor via Zoom)
- Last day for discount is April 10, 2023. After April 10, 2023, add $25 to registration fee
- No refund or Transfers on or after April 13, 2023
- To assure you receive class information, registration ends April 14, 2022 at 5:00 pm
- If you have questions with registration email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Course Description:
This vital day provides an in-depth view of agency relationships which are the foundation of serving any client in any transaction. Importantly, this day aims to increase your awareness of your role and your broker's, and how the two work together and support one another. It addresses the requirements for both presenting the choices available for an agency relationship, as well as disclosing existing agency relationships. It examines the fiduciary duties required of agency and how they relate to both buyer and seller representation. And, it discusses intermediary relationships and the rules that apply.
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This Registration is for those with a discount coupon from Texas REALTORS®
After registration email your coupon to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
